Friday, February 25, 2011

Marisa's Fantastical Friday's
Book Review: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

What if you only had one day to live?
What would you do? Who would you kiss?
And how far would you go to save your own life?

Samantha Kingston has it all: the world's most crush worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High-- from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12th, should just be another day in her charmed life.

Instead, it turns out to be her last. Then she gets another chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death-- and discovery the true value of everything she's in danger of losing.

This isn't really a review rather than a post stating how much I love this book. As of now it's my favorite stand-alone novel. When I first read it, I didn't even think to consider it paranormal. I thought it to be a general fiction/contemporary. It wasn't until after I finished that I recognized all the paranormal elements involved.

It's one of those books that once you're finished, you can't stop thinking about it the entire day. This story grabbed me from the moment I started it, and it moved me in ways only few books have. Usually I'm really good at predicting endings, but I had no clue how this story would turn out. And there are important life lessons in there, lessons about bullying and friendship that are comparable to the topics in Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

Lauren Oliver's style of writing is amazing. I know a book is written well when I'm halfway through the book-- and only then do I realize it's in present tense.

This book is in my opinion the epitome of life, death, love, and friendship. The change we see in the main character from the beginning of the book to the end is amazing, and the whole concept of the book is so unique. When I finished, I was completely numb. I shut the book, a million thoughts running through my head, and walked upstairs to my bedroom, where I burst into tears.

I would highly recommend this book for anyone. It's my favorite stand alone novel, and a story that will be with me forever.


Paige Woiner said...

Ah! I can't wait to read this! Thanks for the review! It must have been good if you cried! The only book I ever cried after I finished was Breaking Dawn, because I was so sad the series was over. haha.

Chandler said...

I can't wait to read it!